
Season In Addition To Tournament Previews / Guides / Retrospectives-Part Eight

1- Magazine Name: Onze-Mondial
Issues: Onze-Mondial, Hors Serie 24, August 1996
           Onze-Mondial, Hors Serie 25, June 1997
Language/Nation: French/France
           The flavor Preview also every bit the flavor retrospective of the
            French league flavor 1996/97

Photo From: Onze-Mondial, Hors Serie 24, August 1996

Photo From: Onze-Mondial, Hors Serie 25, June 1997

2- Magazine Name: Don Balon
Issue: Appendice Extra Liga 9293
Language/Nation: Spanish/Spain
The Castilian 1992/93 Appendix flavor guide

Photo From: Don Balon- Appendice Extra Liga 9293

3- Magazine Name: Guerin Sportivo
Issue: La Grande Storia Del Calcio Italiana-1924-1925
Language/Nation: Italian/Italy
The flavor retrospective of the Serie Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 flavor 1924-1925

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo- La Grande Storia Del Calcio Italiana-1924-1925

4- Magazine Name: Football Magazine
Issue: Issue 102, August 1968
Language/Nation: French / France

Photo From: Football Magazine, Issue 102, August 1968

5- Magazine Name: Placar
Issue:  Issue 605, Dec 18, 1981

Language/Nation: Portuguese / Brazil

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